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Nocebo effects

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 23 Σεπ 2023, 17:05
από talaipwros
Η φραση "κατα φαντασια ασθενης" δεν σημαινει παντα οτι ο αλλος υποκρινεται, ισα ισα.

Ενα ενδιαφερον case report ειναι εδω, συγγνωμη, ειναι στα αγγλικα

We describe an individual who experienced unusual negative effects while taking a placebo during a clinical drug trial. A 26-year-old male took 29 inert capsules, believing he was overdosing on an antidepressant. Subsequently, he experienced hypotension requiring intravenous fluids to maintain an adequate blood pressure until the true nature of the capsules was revealed. The adverse symptoms then rapidly abated. The nocebo effect (undesirable symptoms following administration of an inert substance that the patient believes to be an active drug) may have significant negative impacts on certain patients. Further research is warranted to better understand this phenomenon.
πιο αναλυτικα
Mr. A, a 26-year-old male, presented to the receiving clerk of an emergency department stating, "Help me, I took all my pills" and then collapsed. As he fell, he dropped an empty prescription bottle. Assessment and treatment were initiated immediately. Mr. A was conscious but appeared drowsy and lethargic. He related that he had taken all of his medication, which he said was a new experimental drug for depression. The label confirmed that the bottle contained capsules to be taken as part of a clinical trial of an antidepressant medication but did not indicate whether the capsules were the active medication or placebo.

Mr. A was pale and sweating with a blood pressure of 80/40 and heart rate of 110. He was tremulous, and respirations were rapid. An intravenous line was inserted, blood drawn and infusion of normal saline begun. Acetaminophen and salicylate levels were zero, urine drug screen was negative and other laboratory studies were within normal limits. After receiving 2 L of normal saline, blood pressure rose but again dropped when the infusion was slowed. Over 4 h, he was given approximately 6 L of fluid. He remained lethargic with a blood pressure of 100/62 and heart rate of 106.
Χρειαστηκε να παρει 6 λιτρα υγρα για να κρατησουν καπως την πιεση του που ηταν χαμηλη, και τις σφυξεις του που ανεβαιναν ενω ηταν ληθαργικος. Πραγματα που δεν μπορεις απλα να τα υποκριθεις. Δεν μπορεις να υποκριθεις χαμηλη πιεση και ταχυκαρδια μετα απο 6 λιτρα υγρων σε 4 ωρες

At this point, a physician from the clinical trial arrived and determined that Mr. A had taken placebos. When informed of this, the patient expressed surprise then almost tearful relief. Within 15 min, he was fully alert, blood pressure was 126/80, heart rate was 80.

Mr. A was admitted to a psychiatric unit. Examination revealed him to be depressed. There was no evidence of psychosis. He had a strong desire for others to care for him, feared being alone, had difficulty making decisions without reassurance and was willing to go to extreme lengths to preserve relationships. He seemed highly suggestible and easily influenced by others. Psychological testing included an Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory, version II (MMPI-II) with elevation on the hypochondriasis, depression and conversion hysteria scales. Discharge diagnoses were depressive disorder, not otherwise specified, and dependent personality disorder. Mr. A subsequently did well with treatment with sertraline and psychotherapy.
κατσε τωρα γιατρε να ψαχνεις τι εχει ο αλλος