Roger Waters - The Last Refugee με μια άλλη ματιά

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Εγγραφή: 30 Μάιος 2020, 13:26
Τοποθεσία: μόνος κι έρμος

Roger Waters - The Last Refugee με μια άλλη ματιά

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από kongrosian » 24 Ιαν 2024, 23:39

rewquiop • 6y ago

Google music has these lyrics... I think they are accurate. Parenthesis are my thoughts.

Lie with me now (A romantic appeal) Under lemon tree skies (In a tropical paradise scene) Show me the shy, slow smile you keep hidden by warm brown eyes (Let your guard down if you will)

Catch the sweet hover of lips just barely apart (Savor the moment of love's most tender and intimate tendencies) And wonder at loves sweet ache And the wild beat of my heart

Oh, rhapsody tearing me apart (This age old song evokes feelings of isolation)

And I dreamed I was saying goodbye to my child (Here the narrator describes his love interest as "child"-) She was taking a last look at the sea (She is giving up on him in the distance) Wading through dreams, up to our knees in warm ocean swells (Our circumstance that we have no determination of) While bathing belles, soft beneath Hard bitten shells punch their iPhone (a group of beautiful women who have interesting depth of character are breaking up with men like its nothing to them) Erasing the numbers of radon done lovers (Radon- a potentially lethal gas that is more likely to off the sleeping victim on the floor or basement-who may have been kicked out of bed) And search the horizon (the beautiful women are looking for new partners)

And you'll find my child (the beautiful woman who is right for the narrator) Down by the shore Digging around for a chain or a bone Searching the sand for a relic washed up by the sea (she will salvage the poor wretched love torn man who has been discarded and left to the arbitrary whims of the ocean's emotional currents)

The last refugee (The guy who is going to commit himself to social justice and human suffering and be isolated from spiritual love until the termination of the world's injustices)


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