2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries

Πολιτικά θέματα εκτός Ελλάδας
Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 14982
Εγγραφή: 01 Απρ 2018, 01:41

Re: 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Orion22 » 21 Οκτ 2019, 22:03

Hillary Clinton, not long ago the nominee of the Democratic Party, had some choice words about the state of American politics Friday.

“I’m not making any predictions, but I think they’ve got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate,” Clinton said on a podcast with former Barack Obama aide David Plouffe. “She’s the favorite of the Russians.”

Clinton appeared to be talking about Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, a combat veteran. She wasn’t done, teeing off on former Green Party candidate Jill Stein:

“[Jill Stein’s] also a Russian asset… Yeah, she’s a Russian asset — I mean, totally. They know they can’t win without a third-party candidate.”

She went on to talk about Donald Trump:

“I don’t know what Putin has on him, whether it’s both personal and financial … I assume it is.”

The RS Politics 2020 Democratic Primary Leaderboard
State Department Clinton Email Probe Finds No 'Systemic Mishandling of Classified Information'

Hillary Clinton is nuts. She’s also not far from the Democratic Party mainstream, which has been pushing the same line for years.

Less than a week before Clinton’s outburst, the New York Times — once a symbol of stodgy, hyper-cautious reporting — ran a feature called, “What, Exactly, is Tulsi Gabbard Up To?” The piece speculated about the “suspicious activity” surrounding Gabbard’s campaign, using quotes from the neoconservative think-tank, the Alliance For Securing Democracy, to speculate about Gabbard’s Russian support.

This was the second such article the Times had written. An August piece, “Tulsi Gabbard thinks we’re doomed,“ hit nearly all the same talking points, quoting Clint Watts, an ex-spook from the same think-tank, calling Gabbard “the Kremlin’s preferred Democrat” and a “useful agent of influence.” The Times article echoed earlier pieces by the Daily Beast and NBC.com that said many of the same things.

After Clinton gave the “Russian asset” interview, it seemed for a moment like America’s commentariat might tiptoe away from the topic. Hillary Clinton has been through a lot over the course of a career, and even detractors would say she’s earned latitude to go loonybiscuits every now and then. A few of the Democratic presidential candidates, like Beto O’Rourke and Andrew Yang, gently chided Clinton for her remarks. But when Gabbard (who’s similarly been through a brutal media ordeal) snapped back and called Hillary “Queen of the warmongers,” and Donald Trump followed by calling Clinton “crazy,” most pundits doubled down on the “asset” idea.

Neoconservative-turned-#Resistance hero David Frum blasted Trump for defending Stein and Gabbard, noting sarcastically, “He was supposed to pretend they were not all on the same team.” Ana Navarro on CNN said, “When both the Russians and Trump support someone, be wary.” An MSNBC panel noted, in apparent seriousness, that Gabbard “never denied being a Russian asset.” CNN media critic Brian Stelter tried to suggest Hillary only seemed wacko thanks to a trick of the red enemy, saying, “It feels like a disinformation situation where the Russians want this kind of disinformation.”

(The “Russians caused us to say that crazy thing about Russians” meme has been a recurring theme. When Luke Harding of The Guardian was criticized for a thinly-sourced report that Julian Assange had met with Trump aide Paul Manafort in the Ecuadorian embassy, an anonymous CIA official penned an editorial in Politico suggesting that if the story was fake, “the most logical explanation” was a Russian disinformation effort to discredit journalists.)

Everyone is foreign scum these days. Democrats spent three years trying to prove Donald Trump is a Russian pawn. Mitch McConnell is “Moscow Mitch.” Third party candidates are a Russian plot. The Bernie Sanders movement is not just a wasteland of racist and misogynist “Bros,” but — according to intelligence agencies and mainstream pundits alike — the beneficiary of an ambitious Russian plot to “stoke the divide” within the Democratic Party. The Joe Rogan independents attracted to the mild antiwar message of Tulsi Gabbard are likewise traitors and dupes for the Kremlin.

If you’re keeping score, that’s pretty much the whole spectrum of American political thought, excepting MSNBC Democrats. What a coincidence!

Democrats now are assuming the role once played by Republicans of the Tom Delay era, who denounced everyone opposed to the War on Terror as “Saddam-lovers.” In the midst of this in 2003, the Washington Post protested the way American journalism was “infected with jingoism and intolerance.” That was after Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post ran a headline, “Don’t aid these Saddam-lovers” about “appeasement-loving celebs” like Laurence Fishburne, Tim Robbins, Samuel L. Jackson, Sean Penn, Danny Glover, and Susan Sarandon.

Today, the New York Post is the paper crying out against the “sad, sick conspiracy theories” about Gabbard (an “Assad-lover” instead of a “Saddam-lover”), but some of the other players are the same. Sarandon is regularly denounced now by Democrats instead of Republicans, this time for having supported Stein in 2016, an act seen as equivalent to having tongue-kissed Putin on live TV. She was also one of a handful of celebrities noted for a “controversial” political donation in the Daily Beast’s red-baiting May article about the suspicious contributors to Gabbard’s campaign.

The #Resistance has come up with all sorts of words for such fifth-columnists and deviationists: they are “false-balancers” or “false equivalencers,” “neo-Naderites,” “purity-testers,” “both-sidesists,” “whataboutists,” “horseshoe theorists,” “Russia skeptics” or “Russia denialists,” and “anti-anti-Trumpers.” Such heretics are all ultimately seen as being on “team Putin.”

This witch-hunting insanity isn’t just dangerous, it’s a massive breach from reality. Trump’s campaign was a clown show. He had almost no institutional backing. His “ground game” was nonexistent: his “campaign” was a TV program based almost wholly around unscripted media appearances. Trump raised just over half the $1.2 billion Hillary pulled in (making him the first presidential candidate dating back to 1976 to win with a funds deficit). He didn’t prepare a victory speech, for the perfectly logical reason that he never expected to win.

Even if you posit the most elaborate theories of Russian interference (which I don’t, but of course I’m denialist scum), what happened in 2016 was still almost entirely a domestic story, with Trump benefiting from long-developing public rejection of the political establishment.

Rather than confront the devastating absurdity of defeat before an ad-libbing game show host who was seemingly trying to lose – a black comedy that is 100% in America’s rich stupidity tradition – Democrats have gone all-in on this theory of foreign infiltration. House speaker Nancy Pelosi even said as much in a White House meeting, pointing at Trump and proclaiming: “All roads lead to Putin.”

All? Seriously? Is this ever going to end?
https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/p ... in-901593/
Dolce et decorum est contra pasok.* pugnatre
@gov.gr : «You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war.»

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 1175
Εγγραφή: 09 Φεβ 2019, 11:30

Re: 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από ΓΕΣΑΡ » 21 Οκτ 2019, 22:12

Orion22 έγραψε:
21 Οκτ 2019, 22:03
Hillary Clinton, not long ago the nominee of the Democratic Party, had some choice words about the state of American politics Friday.

“I’m not making any predictions, but I think they’ve got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate,” Clinton said on a podcast with former Barack Obama aide David Plouffe. “She’s the favorite of the Russians.”

Clinton appeared to be talking about Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, a combat veteran. She wasn’t done, teeing off on former Green Party candidate Jill Stein:

“[Jill Stein’s] also a Russian asset… Yeah, she’s a Russian asset — I mean, totally. They know they can’t win without a third-party candidate.”

She went on to talk about Donald Trump:

“I don’t know what Putin has on him, whether it’s both personal and financial … I assume it is.”

The RS Politics 2020 Democratic Primary Leaderboard
State Department Clinton Email Probe Finds No 'Systemic Mishandling of Classified Information'

Hillary Clinton is nuts. She’s also not far from the Democratic Party mainstream, which has been pushing the same line for years.

Less than a week before Clinton’s outburst, the New York Times — once a symbol of stodgy, hyper-cautious reporting — ran a feature called, “What, Exactly, is Tulsi Gabbard Up To?” The piece speculated about the “suspicious activity” surrounding Gabbard’s campaign, using quotes from the neoconservative think-tank, the Alliance For Securing Democracy, to speculate about Gabbard’s Russian support.

This was the second such article the Times had written. An August piece, “Tulsi Gabbard thinks we’re doomed,“ hit nearly all the same talking points, quoting Clint Watts, an ex-spook from the same think-tank, calling Gabbard “the Kremlin’s preferred Democrat” and a “useful agent of influence.” The Times article echoed earlier pieces by the Daily Beast and NBC.com that said many of the same things.

After Clinton gave the “Russian asset” interview, it seemed for a moment like America’s commentariat might tiptoe away from the topic. Hillary Clinton has been through a lot over the course of a career, and even detractors would say she’s earned latitude to go loonybiscuits every now and then. A few of the Democratic presidential candidates, like Beto O’Rourke and Andrew Yang, gently chided Clinton for her remarks. But when Gabbard (who’s similarly been through a brutal media ordeal) snapped back and called Hillary “Queen of the warmongers,” and Donald Trump followed by calling Clinton “crazy,” most pundits doubled down on the “asset” idea.

Neoconservative-turned-#Resistance hero David Frum blasted Trump for defending Stein and Gabbard, noting sarcastically, “He was supposed to pretend they were not all on the same team.” Ana Navarro on CNN said, “When both the Russians and Trump support someone, be wary.” An MSNBC panel noted, in apparent seriousness, that Gabbard “never denied being a Russian asset.” CNN media critic Brian Stelter tried to suggest Hillary only seemed wacko thanks to a trick of the red enemy, saying, “It feels like a disinformation situation where the Russians want this kind of disinformation.”

(The “Russians caused us to say that crazy thing about Russians” meme has been a recurring theme. When Luke Harding of The Guardian was criticized for a thinly-sourced report that Julian Assange had met with Trump aide Paul Manafort in the Ecuadorian embassy, an anonymous CIA official penned an editorial in Politico suggesting that if the story was fake, “the most logical explanation” was a Russian disinformation effort to discredit journalists.)

Everyone is foreign scum these days. Democrats spent three years trying to prove Donald Trump is a Russian pawn. Mitch McConnell is “Moscow Mitch.” Third party candidates are a Russian plot. The Bernie Sanders movement is not just a wasteland of racist and misogynist “Bros,” but — according to intelligence agencies and mainstream pundits alike — the beneficiary of an ambitious Russian plot to “stoke the divide” within the Democratic Party. The Joe Rogan independents attracted to the mild antiwar message of Tulsi Gabbard are likewise traitors and dupes for the Kremlin.

If you’re keeping score, that’s pretty much the whole spectrum of American political thought, excepting MSNBC Democrats. What a coincidence!

Democrats now are assuming the role once played by Republicans of the Tom Delay era, who denounced everyone opposed to the War on Terror as “Saddam-lovers.” In the midst of this in 2003, the Washington Post protested the way American journalism was “infected with jingoism and intolerance.” That was after Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post ran a headline, “Don’t aid these Saddam-lovers” about “appeasement-loving celebs” like Laurence Fishburne, Tim Robbins, Samuel L. Jackson, Sean Penn, Danny Glover, and Susan Sarandon.

Today, the New York Post is the paper crying out against the “sad, sick conspiracy theories” about Gabbard (an “Assad-lover” instead of a “Saddam-lover”), but some of the other players are the same. Sarandon is regularly denounced now by Democrats instead of Republicans, this time for having supported Stein in 2016, an act seen as equivalent to having tongue-kissed Putin on live TV. She was also one of a handful of celebrities noted for a “controversial” political donation in the Daily Beast’s red-baiting May article about the suspicious contributors to Gabbard’s campaign.

The #Resistance has come up with all sorts of words for such fifth-columnists and deviationists: they are “false-balancers” or “false equivalencers,” “neo-Naderites,” “purity-testers,” “both-sidesists,” “whataboutists,” “horseshoe theorists,” “Russia skeptics” or “Russia denialists,” and “anti-anti-Trumpers.” Such heretics are all ultimately seen as being on “team Putin.”

This witch-hunting insanity isn’t just dangerous, it’s a massive breach from reality. Trump’s campaign was a clown show. He had almost no institutional backing. His “ground game” was nonexistent: his “campaign” was a TV program based almost wholly around unscripted media appearances. Trump raised just over half the $1.2 billion Hillary pulled in (making him the first presidential candidate dating back to 1976 to win with a funds deficit). He didn’t prepare a victory speech, for the perfectly logical reason that he never expected to win.

Even if you posit the most elaborate theories of Russian interference (which I don’t, but of course I’m denialist scum), what happened in 2016 was still almost entirely a domestic story, with Trump benefiting from long-developing public rejection of the political establishment.

Rather than confront the devastating absurdity of defeat before an ad-libbing game show host who was seemingly trying to lose – a black comedy that is 100% in America’s rich stupidity tradition – Democrats have gone all-in on this theory of foreign infiltration. House speaker Nancy Pelosi even said as much in a White House meeting, pointing at Trump and proclaiming: “All roads lead to Putin.”

All? Seriously? Is this ever going to end?
https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/p ... in-901593/
Μιλάμε για μαζική παράνοια, για γέλια και για κλάματα η κατάντια τους

Άβαταρ μέλους
Dwarven Blacksmith
Δημοσιεύσεις: 43831
Εγγραφή: 31 Μαρ 2018, 18:08
Τοποθεσία: Maiore Patria

Re: 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Dwarven Blacksmith » 21 Οκτ 2019, 22:16

Εδώ θα γίνει το Σάλεμ σας.
🔻I would have lived in peace. But my enemies brought me war.🔻

Άβαταρ μέλους
μίστερ μαξ
Μέλη που αποχώρησαν
Δημοσιεύσεις: 9289
Εγγραφή: 05 Ιούλ 2018, 11:18

Re: 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από μίστερ μαξ » 21 Οκτ 2019, 22:29

Ειναι κουραστική αυτή η συνεχιζόμενη επίθεση εναντίον της Χίλαρυ. Στην τελική είναι ad hominem. Δεν είναι υποψήφια, υπαρχουν υποψηφιοι για πολλά και διαφορετικά γούστα, ας μιλήσουμε για αυτους. Πάμε Καμάλα!
Αντι-Πουτιν, Αντι-Ζελενσκυ
Τα κράτη ματώνουν της γειτονιας τον χάρτη

Άβαταρ μέλους
Dwarven Blacksmith
Δημοσιεύσεις: 43831
Εγγραφή: 31 Μαρ 2018, 18:08
Τοποθεσία: Maiore Patria

Re: 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Dwarven Blacksmith » 21 Οκτ 2019, 22:30

μίστερ μαξ έγραψε:
21 Οκτ 2019, 22:29
Ειναι κουραστική αυτή η συνεχιζόμενη επίθεση εναντίον της Χίλαρυ. Στην τελική είναι ad hominem. Δεν είναι υποψήφια, υπαρχουν υποψηφιοι για πολλά και διαφορετικά γούστα, ας μιλήσουμε για αυτους. Πάμε Καμάλα!
Όχι ας μιλήσει ο καθένας για όποιον θέλει. Κάθε καλός στρατηγός δίνει πάντα την προηγούμενη μάχη. :D
🔻I would have lived in peace. But my enemies brought me war.🔻

Who is The 4th man
Μέλη που αποχώρησαν
Δημοσιεύσεις: 4465
Εγγραφή: 11 Απρ 2018, 17:44

Re: 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Who is The 4th man » 21 Οκτ 2019, 23:29

μίστερ μαξ έγραψε:
27 Ιουν 2019, 12:06

ρέ σύ μαξάκο τώρα τό είδα, δεν σε περίμενα γιά τόσο αφελή νά αντιδράς μέ τόσο παρορμητικά
αντανακλαστικά καί νά είσαι τόσο προσκολημένος,όχι μονο εσύ εδώ, στήν αριστεριτζίδικη αμερικανιά.....
8 ολοκληρα χρόνια πόσους πολέμους έκανε ό ομπάμιας με τήν ομάδα κλίντον,ποιοί ενίσχυαν μέσω τών σαούντ
τούς isis ωστε μέ προπέτασμα τίς "πολιτικές ανοίξεις" νά βάλουν αιμοσταγή καθεστώτα στήν αίγυπτο-λιβύη-συρία
ποιοί έκαναν τήν " πολ.άνοιξη" στήν ουκρανία γιά νά προωθήσουν ένα κράμα ναζι-ακροδεξιών στήν εξουσία καί
νά πάει ό καθηγητης της κολοτούμπας νά τούς δώσει τήν υποστήριξη :smt005:
τόσο στήν ουκρανία,γεωργία όσο καί στήν συρία καί αίγυπτο όμως ό πρώην πράκτορας τής kgb τούς τήν έκατσε.....
νά εύχεσαι μή πάθει τίποτα γιατί σε πληροφορώ πίσω απ'αυτόν ακολουθεί μιά στρατιά από ονόματα μέ σκληρό προφιλ.

https://newspunch.com/cia-agent-admits- ... nxv2lhNYNY

https://www.globalresearch.ca/america-c ... XIemQoMb9Q

αλλά τί νά λέμε εσενα δεν σου γουστάρει ή φατσα τού τραμπ προτιμάς τόν φιγουρατζή τόν ομπάμια καί τίς
αριστεριτζίδικες αμερικανιές, τό στρατιωτικο-βιομηχανικο-οικονομικο-πολιτικο πλέγμα στό βαθύ κρατος των ΗΠΑ
είναι άλλο καί οι υπολοιποι είναι μαριονετες......
( :a108: αλήθεια γιατί ό αλ6 πήγαινε καί έβλεπε συχνά τούς ρότσιλντ όπως ήταν καί τακτικός επισκέπτης
στό ίδρυμα fornt foudation τών ροκφελερ;)
Αυτομπαναρισμενος επ αόριστον

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 23853
Εγγραφή: 08 Οκτ 2019, 13:15
Phorum.gr user: AlienWay

Re: 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από AlienWay » 21 Οκτ 2019, 23:38

Αν νομίζετε ότι οι δημοκρατικοί είναι "αριστεροί", είστε πολύ γελασμένοι.
Ζούμε σε μία οικονομία.

Άβαταρ μέλους
Northern Spirit
Δημοσιεύσεις: 10759
Εγγραφή: 31 Μαρ 2018, 22:19

Re: 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Northern Spirit » 21 Οκτ 2019, 23:41

Μαυρο στον ανθελληνα γιουσουφακι του Ερντογαν Τραμπ!
"Έκαστος τόπος έχει την πληγήν του: Η Αγγλία την ομίχλην, η Αίγυπτος τας οφθαλμίας, η Βλαχία τας ακρίδας και η Ελλάς τους Έλληνας".

Άβαταρ μέλους
μίστερ μαξ
Μέλη που αποχώρησαν
Δημοσιεύσεις: 9289
Εγγραφή: 05 Ιούλ 2018, 11:18

Re: 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από μίστερ μαξ » 22 Οκτ 2019, 01:21

Northern Spirit έγραψε:
21 Οκτ 2019, 23:41
Μαυρο στον ανθελληνα γιουσουφακι του Ερντογαν Τραμπ!
Αντι-Πουτιν, Αντι-Ζελενσκυ
Τα κράτη ματώνουν της γειτονιας τον χάρτη

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 6700
Εγγραφή: 02 Απρ 2018, 02:06

Re: 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Χουργιατς » 22 Οκτ 2019, 08:55

sibylic έγραψε:
21 Οκτ 2019, 23:29
( :a108: αλήθεια γιατί ό αλ6 πήγαινε καί έβλεπε συχνά τούς ρότσιλντ όπως ήταν καί τακτικός επισκέπτης
στό ίδρυμα fornt foudation τών ροκφελερ;)

στα σοβαρά τώρα, ο μαξ αυτός είναι διπλοποστάς από έτερο συριζαίο.

ο αληθινός μαξ αγνοείται :102:

Άβαταρ μέλους
μίστερ μαξ
Μέλη που αποχώρησαν
Δημοσιεύσεις: 9289
Εγγραφή: 05 Ιούλ 2018, 11:18

Re: 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από μίστερ μαξ » 22 Οκτ 2019, 10:30

Περα απο τις ψεκασμενιές για Αλ6, ιδου μερικα παραδειγματα γιατι ο Τραμπ στελνει τον κοσμο στην καταστροφή:

*Αποσυρση απο paris agreement
*Υποβαθμιση ΟΗΕ ιδιως στα Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα
*προσπαθησε να ξυλώσει το obamacare, το πιο αριστερο ραμα που εγινε στον κοσμο εδω και 4 με 5 δεκαετίες.
*Αποσυρση απο την συμφ. πυρηνικων του Ιραν
*Εμπορικοι πολεμοι παντου

Η λιστα ειναι τετάστια.
Αντι-Πουτιν, Αντι-Ζελενσκυ
Τα κράτη ματώνουν της γειτονιας τον χάρτη

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 15265
Εγγραφή: 01 Μάιος 2018, 08:58
Phorum.gr user: Perseus
Τοποθεσία: Ιωαννινα

Re: 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από perseus » 22 Οκτ 2019, 10:36

Ολα θετικα

Who is The 4th man
Μέλη που αποχώρησαν
Δημοσιεύσεις: 4465
Εγγραφή: 11 Απρ 2018, 17:44

Re: 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Who is The 4th man » 22 Οκτ 2019, 12:12

εγώ σού έγραψα ότι όλοι είναι μαριονετες στό στρατιωτικο-βιομηχανικο-οικονομικο-πολιτικο πλέγμα τού βαθύ κρατους καί
ό νόθερν γράφει γιά γιουσουφάκια παραμύθια γιά αφελής,ή τουρκια έχει τεράστια γεωστρατηγική-γεωπολιτική αξία γιά τίς
ΗΠΑ γιατί θέλει νά κόψει τό "δρόμο τού μεταξιού" τής κινας πρός τή δύση καί τή κάθοδο τών ρώσων στή Μεσ.Αν καί δεν πρόκειται
νά τήν αφήσει με τίποτα καί γι'αυτό έχουν κάνει μεγάλες επενδύσεις στήν παραγωγή οπλικών συστημάτων οί ΗΠΑ όπως καί οί
γερμανια-γαλλια-ιταλια....απ'την άλλη εμείς είμαστε είμαστε οί δεδομένοι-γιέςμεν σέ ότι μάς ζητήσουν καί ό εκάστοτε τοποτηρητής τους
είτε λέγεται αλ6 είτε κούλης βάζει νεφτι στό κόλο καί τρέχει νά εκτελέσει τίς εντολές τού κάθε πάιατ, τά δίνουμε όλα χωρίς κανενα
αντάλαγμα π.χ οί αγωγοί μεταφοράς φυσικού αερίου αλλά καί υγροποιημένου φυσ αερ χωρίς τελη διελεύσεως ούτε τρύπιο δολάριο,
πουθενά παγκοσμίως δεν έχει συμβεί αυτό ούτε στούς ζουλού στήν Αφρική, από τήν άλλη σού έχουν αφαιρέσει τό δικαίωμα νά ορίσεις
ΑΟΖ....καταλαβαίνω βεβαια πρέπει νά χαίρεσαι διότι τό μπανανιστάν-χρεους μέσω τής διαδικασίας τών ελεύθερων οικονομικών
Ζωνών σταδιακά θά χωριστεί σέ 4 αυτοδιοίκητες καί αργότερα ανεξάρτητες ζώνες όταν ό πιό ακραίος σωβινισμός τών γειτόνων είναι
στά ύψη........μπράβο καταφέρνουμε μέ τίς πλάτες τού Αμερ.Ιμπεριαλισμού νά εφαρμόσουμε αυτό πού ευαγγελίζοντο τή δεκ.50
οί μίνα γιάννου,αμπατιέλος,ευφραιμίδης,γρ φαράκος περί κατάργησης συνόρων μόνο σε βαρος τού μπανανιστάν......

δές τώρα μερικά απ'τά κατορθώματα τής περιόδου κλίντον-ομπάμια

Αυτομπαναρισμενος επ αόριστον

Who is The 4th man
Μέλη που αποχώρησαν
Δημοσιεύσεις: 4465
Εγγραφή: 11 Απρ 2018, 17:44

Re: 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Who is The 4th man » 22 Οκτ 2019, 12:23


εδώ ό πολύς τζων μακ κέην (εχθρός τής πολιτικής τού τραμπ παρ'ότι ρεπουμπλικάνος) φιγουράρει μέ
τόν αμπού μπακρ αλ μπαγκτάντι καί άλλους ηγετες τής isis
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από το μέλος Who is The 4th man την 22 Οκτ 2019, 12:45, έχει επεξεργασθεί 2 φορές συνολικά.
Αυτομπαναρισμενος επ αόριστον

Who is The 4th man
Μέλη που αποχώρησαν
Δημοσιεύσεις: 4465
Εγγραφή: 11 Απρ 2018, 17:44

Re: 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Who is The 4th man » 22 Οκτ 2019, 12:30


καί ή μεγάλη αγάπη τών αριστεριτζίδων τού μπανανιστάν-χρέους

έπρεπε νά ζούσε ό ιωσήφ βησαριόνοβιτς γιά νά έστελνε κάτι σαν τόν αλ6 καί τή παρεα του νά σπάνε πέτρες στά γκούλαγκς
Αυτομπαναρισμενος επ αόριστον


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    Τελευταία δημοσίευση

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