Τράγκας και θεωρίες συνομωσίας για CoviD - 19

Παραφυσική, μεταφυσικά, ανεξήγητα φαινόμενα
Άβαταρ μέλους
Otto Weininger
Δημοσιεύσεις: 30473
Εγγραφή: 31 Μαρ 2018, 00:29
Τοποθεσία: Schwarzspanierstraße 15

Τράγκας και θεωρίες συνομωσίας για CoviD - 19

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Otto Weininger » 13 Μαρ 2020, 21:56

Άνετα γινόταν επεισόδιο X files :lol:

"Beauty slept and angels wept
For Her immortal soul
In this response, all evil chose
To claim her for their very own"

Άβαταρ μέλους
Otto Weininger
Δημοσιεύσεις: 30473
Εγγραφή: 31 Μαρ 2018, 00:29
Τοποθεσία: Schwarzspanierstraße 15

Re: Τράγκας και θεωρίες συνομωσίας για CoviD - 19

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Otto Weininger » 13 Μαρ 2020, 21:58

Δυστυχώς δεν εμφανίζεται από το FB εδώ. Πρέπει να το βρούμε στον YouTube

"Beauty slept and angels wept
For Her immortal soul
In this response, all evil chose
To claim her for their very own"

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 23905
Εγγραφή: 31 Μαρ 2018, 11:00
Τοποθεσία: Αθήνα

Re: Τράγκας και θεωρίες συνομωσίας για CoviD - 19

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Ερμής » 13 Μαρ 2020, 21:58

Κάνε ένα ρεζουμέ
"Chiedi a un bambino di disegnare una macchina e sicuramente la farà rossa"

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 14609
Εγγραφή: 27 Ιούλ 2018, 18:56
Phorum.gr user: Ζενίθεδρος

Re: Τράγκας και θεωρίες συνομωσίας για CoviD - 19

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Ζενίθεδρος » 13 Μαρ 2020, 22:00

Ακόμα τούτη ή άνοιξη ραγιάδες, ραγιάδες, τούτο το καλοκαίρι, μέχρι να ρθεί ο Μόσκοβος να φέρει το σεφέρι.

Άβαταρ μέλους
Otto Weininger
Δημοσιεύσεις: 30473
Εγγραφή: 31 Μαρ 2018, 00:29
Τοποθεσία: Schwarzspanierstraße 15

Re: Τράγκας και θεωρίες συνομωσίας για CoviD - 19

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Otto Weininger » 13 Μαρ 2020, 23:09

Ερμής έγραψε:
13 Μαρ 2020, 21:58
Κάνε ένα ρεζουμέ
Δεν είναι αυτό που έβαλε ο Ζενιθεδρος. Κάποιος στα σχόλια από κάτω λέει ότι δεν υπάρχει στον YouTube.

Τεσπα, αναφέρει την κινέζα ερευνήτρια που βραβεύθηκε και για το εμβόλιο που Εμπολα. Αυτή ήταν σε κέντρο ερευνών για ιούς στον Καναδά και μάλιστα σε εργαστήριο επιπέδου 4 (υποθέτω υψηλού κινδύνου). Μη τα πολυλογώ, λέει ότι αυτή πήγε στην Κινα με δείγματα που άρπαξε από το εργαστήριο του Καναδά και ότι οι μυστικές υπηρεσίες του Καναδά συνέλαβαν συνεργάτες της με ενδείξεις κατασκοπιας μετα και πήραν τους σκληρούς δίσκους της έρευνας.
Εκείνη πήγε στο εργαστήριο στην Κινα, 12 χλμ έξω από την Γουχαν οπου έφτιαξαν το ιό ή τους ιούς ξέρω γω για βιολογικό όπλο. Όταν ξέφυγε, πήγαν να βγάλουν τρελό τον γιατρό που το είπε (αλήθεια) και όταν είδαν ότι δεν ελέγχεται σφράγισαν κυριολεκτικά όλη την πόλη (Επίσης αλήθεια)

Δεν έχω τσεκάρει τίποτα από αυτά φυσικά. Όμως υποθέτω με ένα Γκουγκλ είναι εύκολο γιατι η τύπισσα είναι πασίγνωστη, άρα θα υπάρχει είδηση για σύλληψη συνεργατών κλπ. Ή έστω κάτι.

Θα το κοιτάξω κάποια στιγμή.

Αυτο είναι το βίντεο ή μάλλον εικόνα αυτού


"Beauty slept and angels wept
For Her immortal soul
In this response, all evil chose
To claim her for their very own"

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 23888
Εγγραφή: 08 Οκτ 2019, 13:15
Phorum.gr user: AlienWay

Re: Τράγκας και θεωρίες συνομωσίας για CoviD - 19

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από AlienWay » 13 Μαρ 2020, 23:26

Είδηση από το Science, Ιούλιος του 2019

Mystery surrounds ouster of Chinese researchers from Canadian laboratory

Canadian researchers are reacting with puzzlement to the news that a “policy breach” has caused the nation’s only high-containment disease laboratory to bar a prominent Chinese Canadian virologist, her biologist husband, and a number of students from the facility.

On 5 July, officials at the National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg, Canada, escorted Xiangguo Qiu, biologist Keding Cheng, and an unknown number of her students from the lab and revoked their access rights, according to Canadian media reports. The Public Health Agency of Canada, which operates the lab, confirmed it had referred an “administrative matter” matter to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, but said it would not provide additional details because of privacy concerns.

A number of observers have speculated that case involves concerns about the improper transfer of intellectual property to China. (All of the researchers involved are believed to be Asian.) But Frank Plummer, a former scientific director of NML who left in 2015, says the lab isn’t an obvious target for academic or industrial espionage. “There is nothing highly secret there, and all the work gets published in the open literature,” he says. “I don’t know what anyone would hope to gain by spying.”

The lab works in a wide range of biomedical fields. Qiu is known for helping develop ZMapp, a treatment for Ebola virus that was fast-tracked through development during the 2014–16 outbreak in West Africa. She has repeatedly been honored for her work on that project, including with a Governor General’s Innovation Award last year.

“While I was there [Qiu] was always highly regarded as a scientist,” says Plummer, adding that he was “shocked and puzzled” when he heard she was being investigated. “She maintained connections with China, but as far as I knew she was a regular Canadian scientist.”

Cheng, Qiu’s husband, also worked as a biologist at NML. And both researchers held adjunct faculty positions at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. It says it has terminated their positions and reassigned their students as a result of the investigation.

Neither Qiu nor Cheng could be reached for comment.

The development comes at a sensitive time for relations between Canada and China. In December 2018, Canada arrested Chinese Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou at the request of the United States. In retaliation, China has arrested two Canadian men on espionage charges and sentenced a third to death for drug offenses.

It also comes as the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) has raised concerns that some grantees have failed to disclose ties to China and other nations, or improperly shared confidential information. The concerns have led several universities to oust researchers who are ethnic Chinese and return grant funds to NIH.

The crackdown has raised concerns among the Chinese American community of racial profiling. In Canada, the nation’s Security Intelligence Service has long warned of state-sponsored espionage, and in 2014, the Canadian government alleged that China was behind a cyberattack on Canada’s National Research Council.
Ζούμε σε μία οικονομία.

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 14609
Εγγραφή: 27 Ιούλ 2018, 18:56
Phorum.gr user: Ζενίθεδρος

Re: Τράγκας και θεωρίες συνομωσίας για CoviD - 19

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Ζενίθεδρος » 13 Μαρ 2020, 23:33

Εργάζονταν στο ίδιο καναδέζικο εργαστήριο που ανακοινωσε εχθές πως ανακάλυψε το εμβόλιο;
Ακόμα τούτη ή άνοιξη ραγιάδες, ραγιάδες, τούτο το καλοκαίρι, μέχρι να ρθεί ο Μόσκοβος να φέρει το σεφέρι.

Άβαταρ μέλους
Otto Weininger
Δημοσιεύσεις: 30473
Εγγραφή: 31 Μαρ 2018, 00:29
Τοποθεσία: Schwarzspanierstraße 15

Re: Τράγκας και θεωρίες συνομωσίας για CoviD - 19

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Otto Weininger » 13 Μαρ 2020, 23:38

Ζενίθεδρος έγραψε:
13 Μαρ 2020, 23:33
Εργάζονταν στο ίδιο καναδέζικο εργαστήριο που ανακοινωσε εχθές πως ανακάλυψε το εμβόλιο;
Δεν ξέρω αν είναι το ίδιο. Παίζει.

"Beauty slept and angels wept
For Her immortal soul
In this response, all evil chose
To claim her for their very own"

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 23888
Εγγραφή: 08 Οκτ 2019, 13:15
Phorum.gr user: AlienWay

Re: Τράγκας και θεωρίες συνομωσίας για CoviD - 19

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από AlienWay » 13 Μαρ 2020, 23:40


Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, photo via Twitter feed of Public Policy Forum

BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 1,429, January 29, 2020

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In July 2019, a rare event occurred in Canada. Suspected of espionage for China, a group of Chinese virologists was forcibly evicted from the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg, where they had been running parts of the Special Pathogen Program of Canada’s public health agency. One of the procedures conducted by the team was the infection of monkeys with the most lethal viruses found on Earth. Four months prior to the Chinese team’s eviction, a shipment containing two exceptionally virulent viruses—Ebola and Nipah—was sent from the NML to China. When the shipment was traced, it was held to be improper and a “possible policy breach.”

The scope of the 2019 incident involving the discovery of a possibly serious security breach at Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg is much broader than the group of Chinese virologists who were summarily evicted from the lab. The main culprit behind the breach seems to have been Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, an outstanding Chinese scientist born in Tianjin.

Until recently the head of the Vaccine Development and Antiviral Therapies section of the Special Pathogens Program, Qiu received her MD degree from Hebei Medical University in China in 1985 and came to Canada for graduate studies in 1996. She was later affiliated with the Institute of Cell Biology and the Department of Pediatrics and Child Health at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. She was not engaged in the study of pathogens while at that institute.

But a shift took place in Qiu’s research work. Ever since 2006, she has been studying powerful viruses—Ebola most of all—at the NML. Both of the viruses that were surreptitiously shipped from the NML to China were studied by Qiu in 2014 (as well as other viruses, including Machupo, Junin, Rift Valley Fever, Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, and Hendra). But she paid greatest attention to Ebola for the entirely legitimate aim of developing effective prophylaxis and treatment for the infected.

Inevitably, Qiu’s work included a variety of Ebola wild strains—among them the most virulent, which has an 80% lethality rate—and relied heavily on experimental infection of monkeys, including via the airways. She made remarkable strides, and was granted the Governor General’s Innovation Award in 2018.

So far so good—or so it seems.

Qiu is married to Chinese scientist Keding Cheng, a bacteriologist who shifted to virology and who is also affiliated with the NML. Qiu maintains a close bond with China and visits frequently, and many Chinese students from a notable range of Chinese scientific facilities have joined her at the NML over the past decade.

Of those facilities, four are believed to be involved in Chinese biological weapons development. They are:

Institute of Military Veterinary, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Changchun
Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Chengdu Military Region
Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hubei
Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

All four facilities collaborated with Qiu on her Ebola research. The Institute of Military Veterinary also joined a study on the Rift Valley fever virus, while the Institute of Microbiology joined a study on the Marburg virus. Notably, the drug used in the latter study—Favipiravir—has been successfully tested by the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences against Ebola and other viruses. (The drug has the designation JK-05; it is originally a Japanese patent registered in China in 2006.)

The Chinese interest in Ebola, Nipah, Marburg, and Rift Valley fever might possibly be beyond scientific and medical needs. Significantly, only the Nipah virus is naturally found in China or neighboring countries. That being the case, the interface between Qiu and China is a priori highly suspicious.

The shipment of the two viruses from NML to China is alarming unto itself, but it also raises the question of what other shipments of viruses or other items might have been made to China between 2006 and 2018.

Qiu made at least five trips over the academic year 2017-18 alone to the above-mentioned Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which was certified for BSL4 in January 2017. In August 2017, the National Health Commission of China approved research activities involving the Ebola, Nipah, and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever viruses at the Wuhan facility, and in March 2019, the Chinese published their tour de force.

When the shipment from Canada was uncovered, security access was revoked for Qiu, her husband, and the Chinese students. IT specialists entered Qiu’s office after hours to gain access to her computer, and her regular trips to China were halted.

Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary-general of NATO, said at a news conference that he can’t comment on the case, but appeared to suggest the possibility of espionage. “What I can say in general is that we have seen increased efforts by the nations to spy on NATO allies in different ways,” he said.

Qiu’s research has not only been conducted on behalf of Canada and China. In 2018, she collaborated with three scientists from the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Maryland, studying post-exposure immunotherapy for two Ebola viruses and Marburg virus in monkeys. Those activities were part of a study supported by the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

The multiplicity of Chinese grants, all on the national level, supporting the work done under Qiu’s lead at the NML is impressive:

National Key Program for Infectious Disease of China
National Key Research and Development Program of China
National Natural Science Foundation of China International Cooperation and Exchange Program
Special Foundation of President for Ebola virus research from the Chinese Academy of Sciences
President’s International Fellowship Initiative from the Chinese Academy of Sciences
China National Key Subject of Drug Innovation
Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
National Natural Science Foundation Award, Ministry of Science and Technology
National Science and Technology Major Projects
Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Structure Biology
Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China

It is still possible that Qiu and her husband will return to work at the NML, but a good deal of intelligence analysis and assessment will be required. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service has a serious challenge on its hands.
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Άβαταρ μέλους
Πορφύριος Εξαρχίδης
Δημοσιεύσεις: 9865
Εγγραφή: 17 Μάιος 2018, 10:03
Phorum.gr user: Πορφύριος Εξαρχίδης

Re: Τράγκας και θεωρίες συνομωσίας για CoviD - 19

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Πορφύριος Εξαρχίδης » 13 Μαρ 2020, 23:46

Δεν είναι θεωρίες συνωμοσίας. Χθες το υπουργείο υγείας έστειλε τα χαρακτηριστικά του ιού στους γιατρούς. Όλοι λένε ότι έχει κατασκευαστεί σε εργαστήριο.

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 10138
Εγγραφή: 01 Απρ 2018, 01:24

Re: Τράγκας και θεωρίες συνομωσίας για CoviD - 19

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από vagabondo » 13 Μαρ 2020, 23:52

Μάλλον αυτή ήταν η εκπομπή αλλά δεν παιζει ούτε στο youtube
Occasio facit furem
Εγώ δεν είμαι χριστιανός, για να μην πω πως είμαι και άθεος!
Ο κόσμον ασοί γραμματισμέντς θα διαβαίν.

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 23888
Εγγραφή: 08 Οκτ 2019, 13:15
Phorum.gr user: AlienWay

Re: Τράγκας και θεωρίες συνομωσίας για CoviD - 19

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από AlienWay » 13 Μαρ 2020, 23:53

Εδώ υπάρχει μια "επίσημη διάψευση", αλλά έχω μια ένσταση που θα τη καταθέσω στη συνέχεια.


Debunking False Stories
Coronavirus Wasn’t Sent by ‘Spy’ From Canada

Full Story

Suggestions have been circulating on social media that a “Chinese spy team” sent the deadly coronavirus to Wuhan, China — the epicenter of the outbreak — from a Canadian research lab.

However, Eric Morrissette, a spokesman for the Public Health Agency of Canada, told us by email, “this is misinformation and there is no factual basis for claims being made on social media.”

The false claim appears to have originated on a Texas money manager’s Twitter account. On Jan. 25, Kyle Bass tweeted: “A husband and wife Chinese spy team were recently removed from a Level 4 Infectious Disease facility in Canada for sending pathogens to the Wuhan facility. The husband specialized in coronavirus research.”

Bass included a link to a CBC News story from July that did not support the claims he made in his tweet. He did not respond to our request for comment.

The next day, ZeroHedge, a website that has published misinformation before, posted a story with this headline: “Did China Steal Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponize It?”

A screenshot of Bass’s tweet has also been turned into a meme that is circulating on Facebook.

As we said, Bass’s tweet includes a link to a July story by CBC News, Canada’s publicly owned news service, that doesn’t support his claim.

CBC News reported in July that “a researcher with ties to China” had been escorted out of the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg. That lab is overseen by the Public Health Agency of Canada. Morrissette, the agency spokesman, told us that, “for privacy reasons,” the agency wouldn’t comment further than to confirm that the tweet was spreading misinformation.

According to the CBC story, Dr. Xiangguo Qiu was escorted from the lab amid an investigation by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police into a possible “policy breach.”

The RCMP and the health agency have said repeatedly that there is no threat to public safety.

That story never mentioned Wuhan or the shipment of “pathogens.”

A later CBC story, though, cited government travel documents that show Qiu was invited to the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. That story, published in October, also says that she visited the “Chinese Academy of Science, Tsinghua University, the Chinese Medical Academy of Science and Beijing Institute of Biotechnology.” And that she “spoke at several conferences, including some organized by the World Health Organization, the Chinese Society of Virology and International Symposium on Emerging Viral Disease.” It also notes that collaboration among scientists is common.

That CBC story also says nothing of the coronavirus or the shipment of “pathogens.”

A third CBC story in August reported that the Winnipeg lab had sent two viruses — Ebola and Henipah — to Beijing on March 31. It didn’t connect Qiu, specifically, to that shipment, but it referred to the investigation, saying, “while the Public Health Agency of Canada says all federal policies were followed, there are questions about whether that shipment is part of an ongoing RCMP investigation.”

But Cpl. Caroline Duval, of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, told us by email, “There is no connection between the outbreak in China and any RCMP investigation.”

So, it appears that the tweet was based on some mix — and misrepresentation — of those news reports from 2019.

But, the fact is, Qiu wasn’t “removed” from the Canadian lab “for sending pathogens to the Wuhan facility,” as the tweet says.

Editor’s note: FactCheck.org is one of several organizations working with Facebook to debunk misinformation shared on social media. Our previous stories can be found here.

Η ένσταση. Διέψευσαν την ιστορία, που λένε ότι διαδόθηκε στο twitter και στο facebook συνομιλώντας με τον εκπρόσωπο του οργανισμού δημόσιας υγείας του Καναδά.

Μα αν είναι όπως τα λένε τότε, τι ρόλο βαράνε τα άρθρα που ήταν δημοσιευμένα σε επίσημα μέσα (και στο sicience) από τον Ιούλιο και που παρέθεσα παραπάνω;
Ζούμε σε μία οικονομία.

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 23888
Εγγραφή: 08 Οκτ 2019, 13:15
Phorum.gr user: AlienWay

Re: Τράγκας και θεωρίες συνομωσίας για CoviD - 19

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από AlienWay » 14 Μαρ 2020, 00:02

Αρθρο από τον Οκτώβριο

Dr. Xiangguo Qiu – Chinese Biological Warfare Agent
GreatGameIndia -
October 1, 2019 | Last modified on February 29th, 2020 at 9:52 pm,

Dr. Xiangguo Qiu is a Chinese biological warfare agent caught smuggling Coronavirus and other lethal viruses from Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory to China in a case of a Biological Espionage.

https://greatgameindia.com/dr-xiangguo- ... are-agent/

In July 2019, a rare event occurred in Canada, whereby a group of Chinese virologists were forcibly dispatched from the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg, a facility they worked in, running parts of the Special Pathogen Programme of Canada’s Public Health Agency. Experimental infections – including aerogenic ones – of monkeys with the most lethal viruses found on Planet Earth comprise nearly a routine therein.

Four months earlier, a shipment of two exceptionally virulent viruses dealt with in the NML – Ebola and Nipah viruses – was on its way from NML, ended in China, and has thereafter been traced and regarded to be improper, specifically put as “possible policy breaches”, or rather but an “administrative issue”, ostensibly.

Yet the scope of this incident is much wider, in actuality. The main culprit seems to be Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, an outstanding Chinese scientist, born in Tianjin. Heading until recently the Vaccine Development and Antiviral Therapies section of the Special Pathogens Programme, she primarily received her medical doctor degree from Hebei Medical University in China in 1985 and came to Canada for graduate studies in 1996. Later on, she was affiliated with the Institute of Cell Biology and the Department of Pediatrics and Child Health of the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, not engaged with studying pathogens.

But a shift took place, somehow. Since 2006, she has been studying powerful viruses, Ebola virus foremost, in the NML. The two viruses shipped from the NML to China – Ebola and Nipah – were studied by her in 2014, for instance (together with the viruses Machupo, Junin, Rift Valley Fever, Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever and Hendra). Yet utmost attention has been paid to Ebola, with the highly legitimate aim of developing effective prophylaxis and treatment for infected people.

Inevitably, her works included a variety of Ebola wild strains – among them the most virulent one, with 80% lethality rate – and much relied on experimental infections of monkeys, including via the airways. Remarkable achievements were attained, indeed, and Dr. Qiu accepted the Governor General’s Innovation Award in 2018.

So far so good, seemingly. But the collateral Chinese plexus cannot be ignored. Married to a Chinese scientist – Dr. Keding Cheng, also affiliated with the NML (specifically the “Science and Technology Core”), and primarily a bacteriologist who shifted to virology – Dr. Qiu frequently visited and maintained tight bonds with China, generally speaking, and many Chinese students joined her works in the NML during the recent decade, coming from a notable range of Chinese scientific facilities. Nonetheless, among the latter there are four facilities that have been regarded to possess parts of the Chinese biological weapons alignment, namely:

Institute of Military Veterinary, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Changchu.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Chengdu Military Region.
Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hubei.
Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

All of the four mentioned facilities collaborated with Dr. Qiu within the context of Ebola virus, yet the Institute of Military Veterinary joined a study on the Rift Valley fever virus too, while the Institute of Microbiology joined a study on Marburg virus too. Noticeably, the drug used in the latter study – Favipiravir – has been earlier tested successfully by the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences, with the designation JK-05 (originally a Japanese patent registered in China already in 2006), against Ebola and additional viruses.
Dr. Xiangguo Qiu with her team at Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory

However, the studies by Dr. Qiu are considerably more advanced and fruitful, in certain aspects. They are apparently vital for the Chinese biological weapons developing, in case Ebola, Nipah, Marburg or Rift Valley fever viruses are included therein, which is a plausible postulation; let alone the wild type viruses in themselves. And it is of note that only Nipah virus is naturally found in China or neighboring countries.

Collectively, then, the interface between Dr. Qiu and China has a priori been highly suspicious. On top of it, the shipment of the two viruses from NML to China apparently generated an alarm, beyond its seeming inappropriateness. And an unavoidable question is whether previous shipments to China of other viruses or other essential preparations, took place from 2006 to 2018, one way or another.

At any rate, the controversial shipment brought about the entering of information technology specialists into Qiu’s office after hours, for her computer. Consequent to the incident, security access for Dr. Qiu, her husband and the Chinese students was revoked. Her regular trips to China also started being denied.

Notably, Dr. Qiu made at least five trips over the school year 2017-18 to the above mentioned Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which was certified for BSL4 in January 2017. Moreover, in August 2017, the National Health Commission of China approved research activities involving Ebola, Nipah, and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever viruses at the Wuhan facility, and in March 2019, the Chinese published their tour de force.

Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary-general of NATO, said at a news conference he couldn’t comment on this specific case but appeared to suggest the possibility of espionage. “What I can say in general is that we have seen increased efforts by the nations to spy on NATO allies in different ways,” he noted. Connectedly or not, Dr. Qiu collaborated in 2018 with three scientists from the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Maryland, studying post-exposure immunotherapy for two Ebola viruses and Marburg virus in monkeys; a study supported by the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

Finally, the multiplicity of the Chinese grants – all of on a national level – supporting the works done under the leading of Dr. Qiu in the NML is rather intriguing; included are:

National Key Program for Infectious Disease of China
National Key Research and Development Program of China
National Natural Science Foundation of China International Cooperation and Exchange Program
Special Foundation of President for Ebola virus research from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
President’s International Fellowship Initiative from the Chinese Academy of Sciences
China National Key Subject of Drug Innovation
Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
National Natural Science Foundation Award, Ministry of Science and Technology
National Science and Technology Major Projects
Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Structure Biology
Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Certainly an impressive list.

In sum, there is still a possibility that Dr. Qiu and her husband will return to work in the NML. Yet beyond the administrative dimension of this complicated affair, it is largely also a matter of intelligence analysis and assessment, which might constitute a ‘gray area’. A challenge for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. Time will tell, sooner or later.

Dr. Dany Shoham is a senior researcher at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar Ilan University, Israel and specialises on biological and chemical warfare in the Middle East and worldwide. Published in CBW magazine, July-December 2019 Volume: 12, Invited Articles Issue: 4
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Taiwan Intelligence: SARS – A Chinese Bioweapon
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Bio-Espionage: Canada Investigates China’s Biological Espionage
Epicentre Of Coronavirus: Wuhan Institute Of Virology
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STUDY: Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag
STUDY: A novel coronavirus capable of lethal human infections: an emerging picture

Read more on Chinese Biological and Chemical warfare activities against India in our exclusive History of Narco-Terrorism issue.

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Δημοσιεύσεις: 23888
Εγγραφή: 08 Οκτ 2019, 13:15
Phorum.gr user: AlienWay

Re: Τράγκας και θεωρίες συνομωσίας για CoviD - 19

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από AlienWay » 14 Μαρ 2020, 00:05

Frank Plummer – Canadian Scientist Key To Coronavirus Investigation Assassinated In Africa?


In a very strage turn of events, renowned scientist Frank Plummer who received Saudi SARS Coronavirus sample and was working on Coronavirus (HIV) vaccine in the Winnipeg based Canadian lab from where the virus was smuggled by Chinese Biowarfare agents and weaponized as revealed in GreatGameIndia investigation, has died in mysterious conditions. Frank Plummer was the key to the Chinese Biological Espionage case at Winnipeg’s National Microbiology Laboratory.

According to CBC, Plummer, 67, was in Kenya, where he was a keynote speaker at the annual meeting of the University of Nairobi’s collaborative centre for research and training in HIV/AIDS/STIs.

Dr. Larry Gelmon, who helped set up that meeting, said Plummer collapsed and was taken to hospital in Nairobi, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

No confirmed cause of death has yet been released.

Plummer was born and raised in Winnipeg, where he headed up Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory for several years.


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Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 23888
Εγγραφή: 08 Οκτ 2019, 13:15
Phorum.gr user: AlienWay

Re: Τράγκας και θεωρίες συνομωσίας για CoviD - 19

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από AlienWay » 14 Μαρ 2020, 00:11

Ρεζουμέ: Αν ισχύουν τα παραπάνω, μια ΚΑΡΓΙΟΛΑ διπλή πράκτορας, ο άντρας της και οι κολλητοί της, αρρώστησαν όλον τον πλανήτη
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