Αποχαιρετα την Τουρκια που χανεται

Πολιτικά θέματα εκτός Ελλάδας
Δημοσιεύσεις: 11530
Εγγραφή: 01 Μάιος 2018, 17:48
Phorum.gr user: Στρακαστρουκας

Re: Αποχαιρετα την Τουρκια που χανεται

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Στρακαστρουκας » 19 Αύγ 2020, 18:01

Κόκκορας έγραψε:
19 Αύγ 2020, 17:58
αυτο γιατι η ισχυς του ισραηλ ειναι ακαταμαχητη και αποθαρρυνε τις οποιες αντιστασεις
απο την αλλη η ελλαδα μετα το 74 εδωσε λογο και θεση σε καθε απιθανο ηροστρατο(παλι καλα που υπαρχει μια μαγια) και εφτασε ενα βημα πριν την διαλυση!
Σιγα την ακαταμαχητη ισχυ. Ας ειναι καλα οι Αμερικανοι που κανουν πολεμους και επιδοτουν το Ισραηλ.
"Δεν ειμαι ΝΔλης αλλα..."

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 11870
Εγγραφή: 13 Αύγ 2020, 23:18

Re: Αποχαιρετα την Τουρκια που χανεται

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Scouser » 19 Αύγ 2020, 21:50

Άντε να φύγει ο δικτάτορας Ερντογάν και να αναλάβει η φιλελεύθερη αντιπολίτευση, να σωθούμε:
Με εισβολή στα νησιά του Αιγαίου απειλεί ο αρχηγός της αξιωματικής αντιπολίτευσης στην Τουρκία, Κεμάλ Κιλιτσντάρογλου.

Οπως μετέδωσε ο Ant1, ο  Κιλιτσντάρογλου ζητά απάντηση από τον Ρετζέπ Ταγίπ Ερντογά για τα νησιά του Αιγαίου, τα όποια, όπως λέει, βρίσκονται υπό την «κατοχή» της Ελλάδας.

Το παραλήρημα του Κιλιτσντάρογλου, σύμφωνα με τον Ant1:

«Τα νησιά του Αιγαίου κάτω από τη μύτη μας είναι υπό την κατοχή του ελληνικού στρατού. Ναι, αγαπητοί σύντροφοι. Το τελευταίο ήταν να πάνε ακόμη και στην Ψέριμο. 4 μίλια από την Τουρκία, μόνο 4 μίλια. Πολλές φορές έχω ρωτήσει τον Ερντογάν. ‘Σε αυτά τα νησιά έχουμε δικαιώματα’; Κιχ δεν έχει βγάλει. Μιλάει για όλα, αλλά γι’ αυτό δεν λέει κουβέντα. Πήγαν και στην Ψέριμο τώρα. Και ξαναθέτω το ερώτημα στον Ερντογάν με γλώσσα κατανοητή από τον καθένα. ‘Τίνος είναι αδελφέ, η Ψέριμος;’ ‘Αν δεν είναι δικό μας, τίνος είναι;’. Αν είναι δικό μας πες είναι, αν δεν είναι πες δεν είναι. Ή αν δεν είναι ούτε δικό μας, ούτε της Ελλάδας, πες έστω αυτό. Αλλά ούτε κιχ πάλι. Αναρωτιέμαι… Αυτά τα νησιά εσείς μήπως τους τα πουλήσατε ή τους τα δώσατε πεσκέσι; Τί έχει γίνει; Τί έχει γίνει με αυτά τα νησιά;

Τα χάρισες εσύ αυτά τα νησιά. Εγώ είπα ότι αυτά τα νησιά είναι δικά μας και ο Έλληνας υπουργός Άμυνας βγήκε και είπε ‘μολών λαβέ’. Και εγώ του είπα ότι ‘ναι, θα έρθω το 2019 και θα τα πάρω. Όπως πήρε ο Ετζεβίτ την Κύπρο, έτσι θα πάρουμε κι εμείς αυτά τα νησιά.

Κι εγώ περίμενα. Κι εγώ περίμενα να βγει κάποιος από την κυβέρνηση και να πει ‘ναι, αδελφέ θα τα πάρουμε’. Πού να βρεθούν πατριώτες; Αυτοί δεν είναι πατριώτες, είναι μη πατριώτες. Μη πατριώτες! Όποιος δεν διεκδικεί τα ίδια του τα εδάφη, πατριώτης δεν είναι! Είναι μη πατριώτης! Μόνο στα λόγια βρίσκεται ο πατριωτισμός τους. Κάτω από τη μύτη μας, έρχονται 4 χλμ. κάτω από τη μύτη μας οι Έλληνες στρατιώτες και εμείς ρωτάμε, αλλά απάντηση καμία! Καμία! Γιατί μιλάς για όλα τα άλλα θέματα κι όχι γι’ αυτό; Έδωσες μήπως πουθενά το λόγο σου; Χάρισες μήπως πουθενά αυτά τα νησιά; Ερωτώ! Και περιμένω απάντηση σε αυτή την ερώτηση. Για να δούμε, θα απαντήσει; Μπα, κιχ δεν θα βγάλει. Εκείνος μόνο τα πράσινα δολάρια κοιτάζει, πώς θα βγάλουμε χρήμα, κοιτάζει...»
https://www.iefimerida.gr/news/388053/h ... oy-aigaioy
''That's not what your fucking job is. You are bullshiting people, you are acting as a propagandist. It's not 'mostly peaceful' when a car is on fire''. Joe Rogan

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 14979
Εγγραφή: 01 Απρ 2018, 01:41

Re: Αποχαιρετα την Τουρκια που χανεται

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Orion22 » 20 Αύγ 2020, 01:45


Dolce et decorum est contra pasok.* pugnatre
@gov.gr : «You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war.»

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 14601
Εγγραφή: 27 Ιούλ 2018, 18:56
Phorum.gr user: Ζενίθεδρος

Re: Αποχαιρετα την Τουρκια που χανεται

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Ζενίθεδρος » 20 Αύγ 2020, 01:57

Το Γιούρο νιουζ λέει πως η έκπληξη του Ερντογάν μάλλον θα είναι ανακάλυψη κοιτάσματος στη Μεσόγειο (σ.σ. νοτίως του Καστελοριζου)

https://www.in.gr/2020/08/20/world/vomv ... -mesogeio/
Ακόμα τούτη ή άνοιξη ραγιάδες, ραγιάδες, τούτο το καλοκαίρι, μέχρι να ρθεί ο Μόσκοβος να φέρει το σεφέρι.

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 14979
Εγγραφή: 01 Απρ 2018, 01:41

Re: Αποχαιρετα την Τουρκια που χανεται

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Orion22 » 23 Αύγ 2020, 01:01

melikeswherethisisgoing :popc:

bonus: το 2ο ονομα :smt005:
Dolce et decorum est contra pasok.* pugnatre
@gov.gr : «You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war.»

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 7804
Εγγραφή: 31 Μαρ 2018, 19:45

Re: Αποχαιρετα την Τουρκια που χανεται

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Μαυροβασίλης » 23 Αύγ 2020, 09:35

Orion22 έγραψε:
23 Αύγ 2020, 01:01
bonus: το 2ο ονομα :smt005:
πόσο πιο γαμιστερό θα ήταν όμως το al-Avouri;
Χάρε, μην ψάχνεις να με βρεις στα πέρατα του κόσμου
μα σαν περάσω τα εκατό θαν έρθω αμοναχός μου

Άβαταρ μέλους
Gordian Knot
Δημοσιεύσεις: 4052
Εγγραφή: 31 Μαρ 2018, 16:00
Phorum.gr user: Gordian Knot

Re: Αποχαιρετα την Τουρκια που χανεται

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Gordian Knot » 23 Αύγ 2020, 09:50

Μαυροβασίλης έγραψε:
23 Αύγ 2020, 09:35
Orion22 έγραψε:
23 Αύγ 2020, 01:01
bonus: το 2ο ονομα :smt005:
πόσο πιο γαμιστερό θα ήταν όμως το al-Avouri;
Λίγα τα λόγια σου για τον δ/ντή της «(Ψ)Ώρας για Σπορ», Διονύση Αβούρη.
© Αντιτουρκική μούργα, γνωστός και ως «Βλαχάραπας της θαλάσσης» - Ανάθεμά με κι αν καταλαβαίνω τι πάει να πεί αυτό...
Σας μερσώ μαντάμ, ορέν ντουβάρ :lol:

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 7804
Εγγραφή: 31 Μαρ 2018, 19:45

Re: Αποχαιρετα την Τουρκια που χανεται

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Μαυροβασίλης » 23 Αύγ 2020, 11:26

Gordian Knot έγραψε:
23 Αύγ 2020, 09:50
Μαυροβασίλης έγραψε:
23 Αύγ 2020, 09:35
Orion22 έγραψε:
23 Αύγ 2020, 01:01
bonus: το 2ο ονομα :smt005:
πόσο πιο γαμιστερό θα ήταν όμως το al-Avouri;
Λίγα τα λόγια σου για τον δ/ντή της «(Ψ)Ώρας για Σπορ», Διονύση Αβούρη.
σκεφτόμουν τον κατά Ελεύθερη Ώρα Αβουρί :lol:
Χάρε, μην ψάχνεις να με βρεις στα πέρατα του κόσμου
μα σαν περάσω τα εκατό θαν έρθω αμοναχός μου

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 14979
Εγγραφή: 01 Απρ 2018, 01:41

Re: Αποχαιρετα την Τουρκια που χανεται

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Orion22 » 23 Αύγ 2020, 12:21

Μαυροβασίλης έγραψε:
23 Αύγ 2020, 09:35
Orion22 έγραψε:
23 Αύγ 2020, 01:01
bonus: το 2ο ονομα :smt005:
πόσο πιο γαμιστερό θα ήταν όμως το al-Avouri;
και -αλ- κιόλας; :lol:
Dolce et decorum est contra pasok.* pugnatre
@gov.gr : «You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war.»

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 7804
Εγγραφή: 31 Μαρ 2018, 19:45

Re: Αποχαιρετα την Τουρκια που χανεται

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Μαυροβασίλης » 23 Αύγ 2020, 12:33

Orion22 έγραψε:
23 Αύγ 2020, 12:21
Μαυροβασίλης έγραψε:
23 Αύγ 2020, 09:35
Orion22 έγραψε:
23 Αύγ 2020, 01:01
bonus: το 2ο ονομα :smt005:
πόσο πιο γαμιστερό θα ήταν όμως το al-Avouri;
και -αλ- κιόλας; :lol:
μάλλον ben-Avouri θα ήταν ορθότερο :lol:
Χάρε, μην ψάχνεις να με βρεις στα πέρατα του κόσμου
μα σαν περάσω τα εκατό θαν έρθω αμοναχός μου

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 14979
Εγγραφή: 01 Απρ 2018, 01:41

Re: Αποχαιρετα την Τουρκια που χανεται

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Orion22 » 23 Αύγ 2020, 12:44

ασε το ορθότερο

ο συνδυασμός, βασικά όπως το είπες το -αλ- δίνει σχεδον* maximum triggering effect

(*αλλά αυτό ένα αλλό μεγάλο rabbi-t hole, θα ξεφύγουμε)
Dolce et decorum est contra pasok.* pugnatre
@gov.gr : «You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war.»

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 7804
Εγγραφή: 31 Μαρ 2018, 19:45

Re: Αποχαιρετα την Τουρκια που χανεται

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Μαυροβασίλης » 23 Αύγ 2020, 12:46

Orion22 έγραψε:
23 Αύγ 2020, 12:44

(*αλλά αυτό ένα αλλό μεγάλο rabbi-t hole, θα ξεφύγουμε)
Χάρε, μην ψάχνεις να με βρεις στα πέρατα του κόσμου
μα σαν περάσω τα εκατό θαν έρθω αμοναχός μου

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 14979
Εγγραφή: 01 Απρ 2018, 01:41

Re: Αποχαιρετα την Τουρκια που χανεται

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Orion22 » 23 Αύγ 2020, 15:36

While Israelis have been celebrating the new potential ties with the United Arab Emirates, the Turkish ruling party is angling across the Mediterranean in Istanbul to become a much larger challenge to the Jewish state in the coming years.
Ankara’s current regime under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been increasingly hostile to Israel for the last decade, comparing the country to Nazi Germany and vowing to “liberate” Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. Now reports indicate that intelligence and military assessments in Israel see Ankara as a challenge and threat.
A recent article in The Times noted that Mossad head Yossi Cohen “has been talking secretly with fellow spooks in the Gulf states for years.” While he has discussed the Iran threat, another threat is looming, the article noted.
“There was one encounter about 20 months ago when he let slip another agenda: ‘Iranian power is fragile,’ he reportedly told spymasters from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, ‘but the real threat is from Turkey.’”
Israel views Ankara’s strategic goals as a challenge. In January Israel’s annual assessment conducted by the Israel Defense Forces noted that Turkey has also become a “challenge” for the first time. This appears to be the growing consensus in military and intelligence circles.
Turkey and Israel were once allies; Israel sold Turkey drones between 2005 and 2010 before relations soured and contracts ended. Turkey’s regime, which is rooted in the Muslim Brotherhood, became more supportive of Hamas in Gaza and also enabled the Mavi Marmara flotilla – outfitted by the Turkish IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation NGO – to sail for Gaza in May 2010. Diplomatic ties were severed in the wake of an Israeli raid on the ship and also the 2009 conflict in Gaza. They were restored in 2015.

NEVERTHELESS, Turkey continues to challenge Israel on a variety of fronts. Ankara has not only hosted Hamas, but The Telegraph reported last year that Hamas planned terror attacks on Israel from Turkey, and a new report also said that Turkey has given citizenship to Hamas operatives. In November, Ankara signed a deal with the Tripoli-based government in Libya and has begun sending arms and Syrian mercenaries to Libya.
Latest articles from Jpost
This was designed in part to stop an Israeli pipeline deal with Greece and Cyprus. That deal was signed in January and is moving forward. Turkey in turn harassed an Israeli research ship off Cyprus in December. Now it has sent its own research ship to waters between Cyprus and Greece along with a fleet of Turkish naval ships. Israel’s Image Sat International published images of the Turkish flotilla.
On the eve of the surprise announcement that Israel and the UAE would normalize relations, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Greece’s foreign minister that Israel stood by Greece in disputes with Turkey. This brings Israel into the alliance of states that oppose Ankara’s increasing aggression in the region.
In May, the UAE, France, Greece, Cyprus and Egypt condemned Turkey’s moves in the Mediterranean. Egypt warned Turkey against more advances in Libya where Cairo backs the Benghazi-based government against Ankara’s mercenaries and allies in Tripoli. This conflict in Libya and Turkey’s hosting of Hamas leaders on August 22 are all linked, because Turkey backs a regional religious agenda tied to the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Brotherhood has often been linked to extreme antisemitic views, and Ankara’s embrace of this network of religious extremism includes Turkey’s work with Qatar and Tripoli and also attempts to put down bases in Somalia and elsewhere.
It is no surprise that the UAE and Egypt view the Brotherhood as a terrorist group. Along with Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, they all broke relations with Qatar in 2017, listing its support for extremist groups as one of the reasons.

PRO-ANKARA voices argue that the Gulf states who broke relations with Qatar are actually reactionary, authoritarian regimes, and that Turkey is merely supporting “democratic” movements in the region. This goes back to a fundamental dispute at the heart of the Arab spring revolutions. Turkey and Qatar backed the protests but they ended up backing the far-right Islamist aspects of these groups.
This contest of authoritarianism pits Ankara’s version, where it is the largest jailer of journalists in the world, against a different authoritarianism in places like Egypt and Iran. Ankara, for instance, tends to embrace other authoritarian regimes, whether Hamas, Iran, Russia or even the Belarus leader.
What does this mean for Israel? Turkey has sought to adopt the Palestinian cause the same way that Iran has in recent decades. Turkey’s ruling party has invested heavily in religious education and religious edicts from its Religious Affairs Ministry.
For instance in June, the ministry vowed to mobilize the “Islamic ummah” against Israel. When Turkey changed Hagia Sophia into a mosque, it vowed to “liberate Al-Aqsa.” This is similar to Iran’s Al-Quds Day events that use symbolism from Jerusalem to argue that the Islamic Republic is leading “Muslims” from Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon to “liberate Palestine.”
This means for Ankara that the contest in the region is one that blends religion and militarist populism. For instance, Turkey not only hosted a Hamas delegation on Saturday with a terrorist wanted by the US, but Erdogan also hosted Hamas in December 2019 and in February 2020. The December trip was supposed to cement Hamas throughout the region and in Asia after its leader Ismael Haniyeh went to Malaysia.
Hamas met Malaysia’s defense minister in Qatar in January. Why does that matter? Because at the time, Malaysia’s leader was the openly antisemitic Mahathir Mohamed, known for having called on the Islamic world to mobilize against Israel in the early 2000s. A meeting in December between Turkey, Iran and Malaysia vowed to create an “Islamic” gold-trading method around US sanctions. It was linked to the Hamas trip as well.
It was in the context of the Hamas meetings with Turkey, Qatar, Iran and Malaysia in December that Turkey pressed ahead in the Mediterranean to challenge Israel, Greece, Turkey and the UAE. Since then, things have moved ahead rapidly as France and Cyprus have agreed to provide more defense cooperation, and Israel and the UAE normalized relations. Turkey, trying to hedge its bets on NATO and the US with purchases of Russia’s S-400 system – and increasingly clashing with Washington over Syria policy – is pushing a new crisis every month.

UP UNTIL now, Turkey has not sought to worsen relations with Israel. Ankara did threaten to withdraw diplomats from the UAE over ties from Israel, and has sought to highlight opposition to more Israeli deals in places like Sudan.
Ankara’s goal in confronting Israel now consists of working with Hamas. It has also sought to adopt the cause of Al-Aqsa alongside Iran. To undermine Israel’s role in Jerusalem, Turkey is investing in east Jerusalem. The Jerusalem municipality removed a plaque put up illegally by a pro-Ankara organization in east Jerusalem in July. Back in May, there were rumors that Turkey might seek reconciliation with Israel; an El Al flight landed in Turkey for the first time in ten years. Reports also indicated Israel had learned from Turkey’s “defeat” of Hezbollah in fighting in Idlib in Syria.
But this reconciliation didn’t happen and Ankara continued down the path of threatening to liberate Al-Aqsa and continues to give Hamas a red carpet and rally anti-Israel groups across the region.
The end result of the recent year of Israel-Turkish relations has been a growing consensus that Turkey’s aggressive actions and challenges are helping drive increasingly close relations between the UAE, Israel, Egypt, Cyprus and Greece. Turkey is trying to adopt not only the Palestinian cause but also to filter it through an Islamist-extremist lens linked to Hamas and encourage a religious conflict against Israel, using rhetoric that has more in common with the last century of anti-Israel policies in the region.
The naval missions by Turkey seek to create tension at sea while the country also seeks an axis with Qatar, Malaysia, Hamas and Tripoli to grow its influence and use it against an array of states, including the US, Europe and NATO allies.
https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/israe ... eat-639629
Dolce et decorum est contra pasok.* pugnatre
@gov.gr : «You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war.»

Δημοσιεύσεις: 11530
Εγγραφή: 01 Μάιος 2018, 17:48
Phorum.gr user: Στρακαστρουκας

Re: Αποχαιρετα την Τουρκια που χανεται

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από Στρακαστρουκας » 23 Αύγ 2020, 16:21

Orion22 έγραψε:
23 Αύγ 2020, 15:36
While Israelis have been celebrating the new potential ties with the United Arab Emirates, the Turkish ruling party is angling across the Mediterranean in Istanbul to become a much larger challenge to the Jewish state in the coming years.
Ankara’s current regime under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been increasingly hostile to Israel for the last decade, comparing the country to Nazi Germany and vowing to “liberate” Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. Now reports indicate that intelligence and military assessments in Israel see Ankara as a challenge and threat.
A recent article in The Times noted that Mossad head Yossi Cohen “has been talking secretly with fellow spooks in the Gulf states for years.” While he has discussed the Iran threat, another threat is looming, the article noted.
“There was one encounter about 20 months ago when he let slip another agenda: ‘Iranian power is fragile,’ he reportedly told spymasters from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, ‘but the real threat is from Turkey.’”
Israel views Ankara’s strategic goals as a challenge. In January Israel’s annual assessment conducted by the Israel Defense Forces noted that Turkey has also become a “challenge” for the first time. This appears to be the growing consensus in military and intelligence circles.
Turkey and Israel were once allies; Israel sold Turkey drones between 2005 and 2010 before relations soured and contracts ended. Turkey’s regime, which is rooted in the Muslim Brotherhood, became more supportive of Hamas in Gaza and also enabled the Mavi Marmara flotilla – outfitted by the Turkish IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation NGO – to sail for Gaza in May 2010. Diplomatic ties were severed in the wake of an Israeli raid on the ship and also the 2009 conflict in Gaza. They were restored in 2015.

NEVERTHELESS, Turkey continues to challenge Israel on a variety of fronts. Ankara has not only hosted Hamas, but The Telegraph reported last year that Hamas planned terror attacks on Israel from Turkey, and a new report also said that Turkey has given citizenship to Hamas operatives. In November, Ankara signed a deal with the Tripoli-based government in Libya and has begun sending arms and Syrian mercenaries to Libya.
Latest articles from Jpost
This was designed in part to stop an Israeli pipeline deal with Greece and Cyprus. That deal was signed in January and is moving forward. Turkey in turn harassed an Israeli research ship off Cyprus in December. Now it has sent its own research ship to waters between Cyprus and Greece along with a fleet of Turkish naval ships. Israel’s Image Sat International published images of the Turkish flotilla.
On the eve of the surprise announcement that Israel and the UAE would normalize relations, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Greece’s foreign minister that Israel stood by Greece in disputes with Turkey. This brings Israel into the alliance of states that oppose Ankara’s increasing aggression in the region.
In May, the UAE, France, Greece, Cyprus and Egypt condemned Turkey’s moves in the Mediterranean. Egypt warned Turkey against more advances in Libya where Cairo backs the Benghazi-based government against Ankara’s mercenaries and allies in Tripoli. This conflict in Libya and Turkey’s hosting of Hamas leaders on August 22 are all linked, because Turkey backs a regional religious agenda tied to the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Brotherhood has often been linked to extreme antisemitic views, and Ankara’s embrace of this network of religious extremism includes Turkey’s work with Qatar and Tripoli and also attempts to put down bases in Somalia and elsewhere.
It is no surprise that the UAE and Egypt view the Brotherhood as a terrorist group. Along with Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, they all broke relations with Qatar in 2017, listing its support for extremist groups as one of the reasons.

PRO-ANKARA voices argue that the Gulf states who broke relations with Qatar are actually reactionary, authoritarian regimes, and that Turkey is merely supporting “democratic” movements in the region. This goes back to a fundamental dispute at the heart of the Arab spring revolutions. Turkey and Qatar backed the protests but they ended up backing the far-right Islamist aspects of these groups.
This contest of authoritarianism pits Ankara’s version, where it is the largest jailer of journalists in the world, against a different authoritarianism in places like Egypt and Iran. Ankara, for instance, tends to embrace other authoritarian regimes, whether Hamas, Iran, Russia or even the Belarus leader.
What does this mean for Israel? Turkey has sought to adopt the Palestinian cause the same way that Iran has in recent decades. Turkey’s ruling party has invested heavily in religious education and religious edicts from its Religious Affairs Ministry.
For instance in June, the ministry vowed to mobilize the “Islamic ummah” against Israel. When Turkey changed Hagia Sophia into a mosque, it vowed to “liberate Al-Aqsa.” This is similar to Iran’s Al-Quds Day events that use symbolism from Jerusalem to argue that the Islamic Republic is leading “Muslims” from Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon to “liberate Palestine.”
This means for Ankara that the contest in the region is one that blends religion and militarist populism. For instance, Turkey not only hosted a Hamas delegation on Saturday with a terrorist wanted by the US, but Erdogan also hosted Hamas in December 2019 and in February 2020. The December trip was supposed to cement Hamas throughout the region and in Asia after its leader Ismael Haniyeh went to Malaysia.
Hamas met Malaysia’s defense minister in Qatar in January. Why does that matter? Because at the time, Malaysia’s leader was the openly antisemitic Mahathir Mohamed, known for having called on the Islamic world to mobilize against Israel in the early 2000s. A meeting in December between Turkey, Iran and Malaysia vowed to create an “Islamic” gold-trading method around US sanctions. It was linked to the Hamas trip as well.
It was in the context of the Hamas meetings with Turkey, Qatar, Iran and Malaysia in December that Turkey pressed ahead in the Mediterranean to challenge Israel, Greece, Turkey and the UAE. Since then, things have moved ahead rapidly as France and Cyprus have agreed to provide more defense cooperation, and Israel and the UAE normalized relations. Turkey, trying to hedge its bets on NATO and the US with purchases of Russia’s S-400 system – and increasingly clashing with Washington over Syria policy – is pushing a new crisis every month.

UP UNTIL now, Turkey has not sought to worsen relations with Israel. Ankara did threaten to withdraw diplomats from the UAE over ties from Israel, and has sought to highlight opposition to more Israeli deals in places like Sudan.
Ankara’s goal in confronting Israel now consists of working with Hamas. It has also sought to adopt the cause of Al-Aqsa alongside Iran. To undermine Israel’s role in Jerusalem, Turkey is investing in east Jerusalem. The Jerusalem municipality removed a plaque put up illegally by a pro-Ankara organization in east Jerusalem in July. Back in May, there were rumors that Turkey might seek reconciliation with Israel; an El Al flight landed in Turkey for the first time in ten years. Reports also indicated Israel had learned from Turkey’s “defeat” of Hezbollah in fighting in Idlib in Syria.
But this reconciliation didn’t happen and Ankara continued down the path of threatening to liberate Al-Aqsa and continues to give Hamas a red carpet and rally anti-Israel groups across the region.
The end result of the recent year of Israel-Turkish relations has been a growing consensus that Turkey’s aggressive actions and challenges are helping drive increasingly close relations between the UAE, Israel, Egypt, Cyprus and Greece. Turkey is trying to adopt not only the Palestinian cause but also to filter it through an Islamist-extremist lens linked to Hamas and encourage a religious conflict against Israel, using rhetoric that has more in common with the last century of anti-Israel policies in the region.
The naval missions by Turkey seek to create tension at sea while the country also seeks an axis with Qatar, Malaysia, Hamas and Tripoli to grow its influence and use it against an array of states, including the US, Europe and NATO allies.
https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/israe ... eat-639629
Για ολα αυτα υπευθηνος ειναι ο Νετανιαχου. Οταν ανεβηκε στην εξουσια ο Ερντογαν μια χαρα τα ειχε με το Ισραηλ. Το 2010 το Ισραηλ σκοτωσε ομως Τουρκους υπηκοους με την υποθεση του Μαβι Μαρμαρα. Απο τοτε αρχισε να αυξανετε η ενταση μεταξυ Ισραηλ-Τουρκιας. Μην το πεις ομως αυτο στους οπαδους του Νετανιαχου. Για αυτους, οτι κανει η προεδραρα τους ειναι μια επιτυχια που αποδυκνυει ποσο απιστευτα γαματο ειναι το Ισραηλ
"Δεν ειμαι ΝΔλης αλλα..."

Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 8659
Εγγραφή: 17 Μάιος 2018, 16:27

Re: Αποχαιρετα την Τουρκια που χανεται

Μη αναγνωσμένη δημοσίευση από elchav » 23 Αύγ 2020, 16:23

Στρακαστρουκας έγραψε:
23 Αύγ 2020, 16:21
Για ολα αυτα υπευθηνος ειναι ο Νετανιαχου. Οταν ανεβηκε στην εξουσια ο Ερντογαν μια χαρα τα ειχε με το Ισραηλ. Το 2010 το Ισραηλ σκοτωσε ομως Τουρκους υπηκοους με την υποθεση του Μαβι Μαρμαρα. Απο τοτε αρχισε να αυξανετε η ενταση μεταξυ Ισραηλ-Τουρκιας. Μην το πεις ομως αυτο στους οπαδους του Νετανιαχου. Για αυτους, οτι κανει η προεδραρα τους ειναι μια επιτυχια που αποδυκνυει ποσο απιστευτα γαματο ειναι το Ισραηλ
ακόμα κλαίγεσαι για την φάπα στο Mavi Marmara;
Άγνωστος Πατέρας Χελώνων


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